A Room Full of Redemption

December 08, 2011

I was at a Rethreaded home party last weekend. It was a very small and intimate party. Only 5 of us were in the room.  And these ladies in the room are seriously amazing. One of my friends  started to share about how God was meeting her in her deepest desire of having children. Many tears were shed but it ended hopeful with a promise spoken over her.

I have been waiting on God as well. I can understand the deep desire and the fear and the doubt of waiting on God to fulfill the longings of my heart. I have been waiting for a husband and kids for a long time now. I have waited on Him to move into the suffering of my friends that i would go visit in red-light areas of Kolkata. I am now waiting to see him move into the lives of the women in Jacksonville. Its that deep, despair of waiting.  We all have it.

So back to this home party. My friend is sharing her heart and I just take a deep breath and soak in the moment. I look around the room. It's filled with the most beautiful handmade products from around the world. It's filled with blankets and bags with a woman's name on it. It's filled with the work of women who are now surrounded by a community who loves them. It's filled with the hope of  women who now know there is a God who fights for them and loves them.

And i think to myself, "How can I ever doubt that God is good? How can I doubt that He is hearing our cries in our waiting?" I look around the room and its literally filled with redemption. It's filled with products that represents new lives and new beginnings and new hope. It's like proof that God hears our prayer. That Jesus does enter in to our suffering so he can make all things new.

And even though its kinda chaotic in my living room right now...it  is overflowing with boxes of product. I can't help but be a little giddy. I can't help to think of what we are going to get to see happen in Jacksonville, FL. It's going to be holy. It's going to be a miracle. It's going to rip our faces off.

Director of Rethreaded, Kristin Keen 

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